The Laval HDR Sky Database

This data is available for general use by:

  1. Non-profit organisation (for academic or government-sponsored researchers): this license does not grant the rights to use the data set or any derivation of it for commercial activities neither for redistribution. This license is free.
  2. For-profit organisation: this license allows the access to the data, the use of the data to create or improve models and resulting output, with the right to make the output available to third parties or to use if for your benefit. The dataset itself cannot be made available to third party. For any commercial use please contact Jean-Francois Lalonde at jflalonde at gel dot ulaval dot ca.

Only a small subset (3 days) of the dataset is available below. For access to the full dataset (40k+ full-HDR images over 100+ days), please contact Jean-Francois Lalonde at jflalonde at gel dot ulaval dot ca.

If you use this data in a publication, please cite the most relevant paper from the following list as well as this BibTeX file.